As I peruse the aisles of the local markets here in my hometown, I can't help but think, 'When was this produce picked? When was this hummus made and when were the chickpeas made for it? And how long have these fresh organic raspberries been sitting in the package before it gets to me? And how long did it take these "Turkish Figs" to reach the market from the farm?' So many questions. And my concern is mainly for those individuals that spend billions of dollars on these products in an effort to maintain a good healthy living and eating regimen. I guess the bigger question is, 'Would the people responsible ever reveal this information to the Earth's children?' I think for all of these things, people have the right to know.
The bananas you buy look beautiful and healthy, and are even possibly "Organic." But when exactly were they picked? What was the transport time between (hopefully) the farm to the retailer? Were they a bit young (and possibly underdeveloped, lacking some of its nutritious fortitude) when picked? Maybe you really want to know...or do you? Upon knowing this information, people may become hesitant and discretionary when it comes to buying certain goods and produce. Retailers don't have a problem appropriating expiration dates to some of these goods. But if the farmer, packer or distributor placed a "harvested, made or packaged date" on the produce and other goods, this would greatly affect the way the food business is transacted. It would force many food purveyors to take responsiblity for the freshness and viability of all goods. It would bring the nature of the business, as well as other things, into balance; therefore the retailer will have more discrimination with regard to what goods to sell and what goods are not worth selling, due to fast spoilage.
--All food purveyors should require their farmers, packers and distributors to enseal a date--for the everyone's eyes--indicating when the good or produce was harvested, made and packed.This would provide awareness to any possible issues the goods and produce could come in contact with throughout the transport process: and also as to how long the goods and produce are able to maintain its freshness.
--All farmers should require the packers and distributors to enseal a date of harvest on the produce. This is for the sheer sake of compassion for people's concerns and for the sake of business across the board. People would feel more at peace knowing these dates and that the discretion still remains in their hands.
--Consumers should require a "harvested, made and packed date" from all parties responsible. The power of demand is in their hands. If the consumer decides to stop buying organic avocados at a particular market due to issues with freshness, it forces the market to revisit the produce and the source: the same can be applied to any other set of produce or packaged goods.
--The fruit and vegetable industry would be more reluctant to sell certain produce or packaged varieties of the produce to the consumer because of the consumer's ability to be more discriminatory with their purchases.
--The pressure to maintain the freshness of all goods and produce will be increased greatly. The consumer would be more trusting and supportive to the markets that participated in this initiative.
--There will be more awareness of the sensitivity of all produce and goods between farmer, producer, distributor, retailer and consumer. At the end of the day, many people consume some sort of goods and produce from a market. And knowing this, health of the business on a whole is increased.
The importance of this date is great; we live in a time where fruits and vegetables are, not only possibly ridden with toxins of the sort, but also not always fresh. We would like the food industry to take full responsibility. But at the end of the day, it starts with the level of care on the part of the consumer. If every consumer of market goods had their own farm for fruits and vegetables, the business would suffer greatly across the board due to lack of demand. Remember the power that lay in those beautiful hands of yours.
The food industry must raise its behavior to a more ethical and compassionate level: to the consumers and their needs. Ethical behavior on everyone's part is how we as humans can raise our levels of awareness with regard to the supply and demand of fruits, vegetables and all other goods.
Your food should always be Clean; and many times it is. And as we move forward as a evolving race, let us raise the bar.
Clean Food is a must...