So straight to the point today gang: this amazingly tasty smoothie will rock your world and revitalize your entire human system! Ready to feel super-powered and completely rejuvenated and reborn? Then here we go! Absorb this wonderfully delicious beauty: at leisure, of course!
And here it is:
*Local Organic Apple (1)
*Kiwi (2)
*Banana (1)
*Almond Milk (1/2 cup)
*100% Pure Grade A Maple Syrup (2 Tbl Spns)
*Maca Root Powder (1/2 Tbl Spn)
You may add in a tablespoon of one of your favorite nut butters (cashew, almond, peanut, etc.)
Can serve about 4

Be forewarned, you may experience a bit of a high from this smoothie. When the body receives and properly absorbs many beneficial nutrients at once, the whole system is reset and aligned, thereby paving the way for high levels of strength, vitality, healing, and rebirth throughout all systems of the body: both physical and subtle body systems. This is one of the reasons for the little smoothie high. And that's beyond amazing in our book!
So there ya go! Head to the Smoothie bar: or simply head to the market, get the goods (organic and fresh when possible) and get it cranking on your own at home!
Yummy goodness at it's best!
Make it a CLEAN FOOD day!