Here are ten quick and EASY things you can start doing TODAY to help you work on building that amazingly beautiful life you've always dreamed of. It doesn't start overnight. It starts with the small steps. Before there is a city, there is a building. Before there is a building, there is a foundation. And before there is a foundation, there is an idea.
Today, let's starting creating new ideas and habits for our new and powerful, blossoming lifestyles!
And here are the ten things:
1. Start keeping a journal of all your goals and aspirations
2. Find new ways to challenge yourself by being proactive with your projects
3. Eat more fruits and vegetables today than you have ever in the past
4. Take junky, oily foods out of your life for 10 days
5. Read books and magazines that uplift you and inspire you to be better than yesterday
6. Take on a new, energizing exercise routine
7. Sign up for classes that teach you and inform you about bettering yourself
8. Set one minute aside and sit quietly by yourself
9. Start writing down ideas for that business you have always wanted to start
10. Ask for help when you need it: with work, with personal matters, with life
Now, let's build our kingdom...